As a retailer dedicated to quality craftsmanship, we understand that you are looking for authentic and exclusive products to offer your customers. That's why we strive to provide a wide selection of handcrafted items, from ceramics and textiles to personal care products and home decor.
In addition to our dedication to quality, we also want to offer exclusive advantages to our customers. That's why we offer Volume Discounts on selected products. By ordering in large quantities, you can enjoy significant discounts.
Most products are grouped into what we call "families". The product code of the family for example is EO, order 10 or more Essential Oils (in this case) to get a 5% discount; The discount will automatically appear in the shopping basket.
Explore some of the products selected with Volume Discount:
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AW Artisan S.L,
Castelao Street 40-42 P.I. Guadalhorce, 29004 Málaga - Spain
VAT No: ESB93657658
EROI: ESB93657658